Hey, cool Parents out there! Enough of changing diapers? Hahaha, we understand your pain! Here we have brought for you some special, rare, and hand-picked cool captions to go with the pictures of your little ones! Use this Diaper Caption for their cute photos on Instagram or share it with your friends to boost their power!!
Diaper Quotes
Your little one deserves a cute post with their cute diapers, with these super cute Diaper Captions!

- Just think… one day it will be my turn to change your diaper.
- Why don’t you social distance yourself and throw away the diaper?
- That’s how you bring about a change in the world, one diaper at a time.
- If you think this diaper makes my butt look big, it is time to change it.
- Phew! That was a marathon poop session, can’t wait for the next!
- It looks like you might need a little more sleep, just saying.
- 3 am. Party in my crib, be there. Bring your own diaper.
- Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare. All parents are veterans.
- I know this isn’t freediving, but how long can you hold your breath?
- You haven’t seen smelly yet, wait till I start eating solids hahaha.
Baby Diaper Captions

- Hold on a second, didn’t we just do this five minutes ago?
- Someday I will sleep quietly through the night and so will you!
- Are we keeping count? Cause only 4,000 more until I am potty trained.
- Don’t look at me; this one is coming from daddy.
- Open this and find out the fastest way to clear a room.
- When I’m through with this, I’ll set a world record!
- Roses are red; Violets are Blue. Will this have a pee or will this have poo?
- Radioactive waste, proceed to open and dispose of with extreme caution.
- That weird new toy you got scared this out of me.
- You are doing great; it will be over soon, hang in there!
Diaper Girl Captions
Hey Guys!! Enjoy these rare Diaper Captions! Share it with your friends and family.

- Dad’s great, and mom is amazing, but whoever changes this is the best.
- My motto in life – as you will soon come to realize: is go big or go home.
- This is not for the faint of heart, open at your own risk!
- What goes in through the front comes out through the back.
- I’ve given you an extra load today cause I love you so much.
- Let’s see how long you can really hold your breath!
- Get a new one; there’s a lot more where that came from.
- You can go take a long shower after this, I promise!
- Maybe you should wear a gas mask to diffuse this one.
- Hello there, I’m trapped inside. Care to set me free?
Diaper Boy Captions

- I love you, so I make diaper bombs for you all day.
- If you can read, then you put the diaper backward genius!… Just kidding.
- Sleep is for the weak, the strong change diapers at 4 am.
- Poops, I did it again, I made you believe that this could be pee.
- Gas mask, check. Hazmat suit, check. You’re GO to diffuse.
- Are we gonna do this or will it be 1-800-Grandma?
- Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason. – Mark Twain
- Do you live each day as if it’s your first or your last? Either way, you should probably have a diaper on. – Ellen DeGeneres
- The only time you can change someone is when they are in diapers. – Kris Carr
- One of the most important things to remember about infant care is: don’t change diapers in midstream. – Don Marquis
Diaper Captions Tumblr

- Changing a diaper is a lot like getting a present from your grandmother – you’re not sure what you’ve got but you’re pretty sure you’re not going to like it. – Jeff Foxworthy
- I’ll tell you my routine – it’s really exciting. I feed, I burp, I change diapers, I pump. And then I have a tiny window of time to myself. – Marcia Cross
- No one’s raising children anymore. To love a child, you’ve got to work for it. You have to change its diapers and feed it at night! – Lauren Hutton
- I can change a diaper in 30 seconds flat. I set the new one beneath the old one. That way, it’s just wiped and pulled the flap over. – Drew Brees
- Men should always change diapers. It’s a very rewarding experience. It’s mentally cleansing. It’s like washing dishes, but imagine if the dishes were your kids, so you really love the dishes. – Chris Martin
- In the period where I had to live the life of a citizen – a life where, like everybody else, I did tons of laundry and cleaned toilet bowls, changed hundreds of diapers, and nursed children – I learned a lot. – Patti Smith
- The real Michael Jackson that has not been seen… with children, one in diapers, the other two toddlers. – Geraldo Rivera
- I’ve raised Michael. I changed his diapers when he was little. – Jackie Jackson
- I once knew a chap who had a system of just hanging the baby on the clothesline to dry and he was greatly admired by his fellow citizens for having discovered a wonderful innovation for changing a diaper. – Damon Runyon
- Why do otherwise sane, competent, strong men, men who can wrestle bears or raid corporations, shrink away in horror at the thought of washing a dish or changing a diaper? – Frank Pittman
Baby Daily Diaper
Parents of newly born babies, we understand the pain of changing the diapers of your little ones. We have brought you these cool captions to boost your morale!

- I didn’t know you had to change diapers so often. I couldn’t believe it – we must change them 10 times a day – each. So that’s 20 diapers a piece a day. – Stanley Tucci
- I met Cynthia when I was 12, proposed at 16, became engaged at 17, married her at 19 and we had a baby when I was 20. If extra work could pay for a lot of diapers, that was for me. – Kent McCord
Let us know what you think of these super cool Diaper Captions for your cool baby posts!
Also, check out these Makeup Captions.