Instagram Captions Cute and Funny is a great collections for best Instagram Captions. These Instagram captions for friends are free to download. Share these quotes with images.
Here are the best Instagram Captions for Friends:
1. What’s a queen without her king? Historically speaking, more powerful.

2. You can’t do epic stuff with lame people. And we got the best in the biz.

3. What’s a queen without her king? Historically speaking, more powerful.
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4. Spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner

5. Always classy, never trashy, and a little bit sassy.I
Instagram Captions Funny
6. That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nike’s and you can’t do it.

7. We know the voices in our heads aren’t real, but sometimes their ideas are just too good to ignore.

8. We don’t care what people think of us. Unless they’re our customers. We definitely care what customers think of us.

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9. All you need is love … and investors. All you need is love and investors.

10. There are a 100 billions nerves in the human body, and there are people who have the ability to irritate all of them.

Instagram Captions for Selfies
11. An adventure may be worn as a muddy spot or it may be worn as a proud insignia. It is the woman wearing it who makes it the one thing or the other.

12. We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

13. The difference between pizza and your opinion is that I asked for pizza.

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14. That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nikes but you can’t do it.

15. I have the emotional stability of an Ikea table.

Instagram Captions for Friends
16. As your best friend, I’ll always pick you up when you fall, after I finish laughing.

17. True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

18. I’d walk through fire for my best friend. Well, not fire because that’s dangerous. But a super humid room… well not too humid, because you know… my hair.
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19. I like to think I’m a pretty good friend. I love having a good time, and I enjoy being able to share those good times with others

20. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get a warm feeling that it brings.

Instagram Captions Short
21. That’s okay, you don’t have to give my heart back, you can keep it.

22. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time.

23. One day you will kiss a man you can’t breathe without and find that breath is of little consequence.

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24. Have you ever wanted to grab somebody by the shoulders, give them a good shake and whisper “Nobody cares!”

25. Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.

Instagram Captions for Summer
26. The tans will fade but the memories will last forever.

27. That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nike’s and you can’t do it.

28. People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.

Share these best Instagram Captions for Summer
29. Don’t be afraid of your shadow; it’s really just a constant reminder that there’s light all around you.

30. Summer? That means beach, sunshine, picnics, parks, short pants, flips flops and endlessly more things.

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Also, check out these Best Friend Captions For Instagram.